RESTful Services

HLC’s API uses RESTful services, which offer simple consumption by backend or client applications.


The API can be accessed from the following link:

  • Request base path : 
    • Canada :
    • USA :



The following request parameters are available in most of the API functions.

language The language in which the content will be returned. The supported languages are:

·         English: “en” must be sent; it is also the default value.

·         Français: “fr” must be sent.

If sent, it must be passed in the header “language” parameter.


callerName The caller name must be filled when the client application is a point-of-sale software. This field is used to identify the origin of the call. Indeed, if the POS is named “B2B software” then “B2B software” must be passed.
pageStartIndex Refer to the Paging section.
pageSize Refer to the Paging section.


The HL API uses the http code to inform us of the status of the request. The following codes can be returned:

200 The call was returned successfully.
400 The request contains bad information.
401 The request isn’t authorized to retrieve information.
404 The request address doesn’t exist.
500 A technical error occurred. Please contact our customer service.

Available functions